Monday, January 26, 2009

Medicine vs. Accountancy

I feel really shitty everytime my parents would compare me to my brother.

My parents always believe that medicine is the king of the hill and all the programs below it are inferior courses that should not be given any consideration nor acceptance for being a difficult subject. In their mind, medicine is all encompassing science, nothing is greater than the study of medicine. Anything that is not concerned with medicine for them should not be considered as something to be taken seriously, in their minds if you are not taking up medicine then you should no longer work hard, rather just contribute to your housework first before you go to study.

And that's my case, being an accountancy student in a house where prejudism reigns is being maltreated to the end of your wits. Even while taking your preliminary or final examinations, you should still work hours of office work in our family business before they would allow you to start studying for your exams. Excusing yourself of the work is always denied, for they think that an accountancy program is a easy program which only requires simple addition and subtraction, for them accountancy is a course without importance with their comparison of the whole accountancy program to a single 3 unit subject in a medical degree.

Discriminated is what I can say. And also, I would like to note that the course itself is they who introduce me into, and not myself liking the program. I have chosen during my high school life to take up my degree in Chinese medicine in China, but it was them whom after I passed the entrance exam for the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine changed their minds because of the divination in a buddhist temple.

Although I will accept the fact that even at first, accountancy was never at my liking, but slowly I am able to adapt to it. But take still the fact, how at the beginning they praise the importance of accountancy, and yet now they would refuse all the time I need to use to review my subjects and even to rest my mind after the week-long strenous exam.

I hold no grudge against their decision of having me studying accountancy, but I would just like them to know that accountancy and medicine have their own difficulty, but none of which must be contrasted as an inferior and a superior. If I just have the right to speak to them how I would feel through this 2 years that have passed, but that would never be, I believe that they should understand how their cruel prison type of training is transforming me into a anti-social and passive person.

I am not writing this in an attempt to condemn them, but rather, I would like to praise them for their efforts in boosting the morale of others, but slowly degrading me.

A house is not a home. And I believe that I am not living in a home, but rather a house whose only nature is for me to work and to work and to work, no space for studying. Our house is not a place for non-medical students to study, it is a torture chamber for me. A house that feeds you but do not understand you, a house that needs you but don't appreciate you, a house where they care for you but to work for them, a house that teaches you but won't allow you to learn, a house whose strict rules is degrading it's own members, a house where education is not important, a house where child has ears but no mouth.

Again, I would like to emphasize that I don't hold any grudge against the family members, nor the house, but is just expressing the sentiments and the experiences of a non-medical student.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Filbert said...

haha, sige, makikita nila ang lakas ng accountants, wahaaha